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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hump Day Hugs #7

Guess what day it is!
{via tumblr}

Now, onto the hug for today! :)

In business, it's likely that men twice your age - with half your brain capacity - will be making triple the money that you do. Work hard anyway. Never give up. You are the brain and voice of tomorrow.

 {via buzzfeed}

This will probably stir some pots, but it's no secret that men have always made more than women in the workforce. We women seem to reach that glass ceiling and stall. Kudos to those that break through! 

 {via someecards}

But, let's consider the fact that women are strong, and we can do anything. One day, those older men are going to retire. One day, your ideas will be heard. One day, all your hard work will mean something to not just you but everyone else too!

 {via shabby blogs blog}

Until then, be proud of what you have achieved. Keep dreaming and make your dreams a reality! You've worked hard to get where you are, and if you're not satisfied, find something that will satisfy you!

{via facebook}

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