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A month into our new healthy lifestyle, and we are still going strong! But, let's be honest - it's hard!!!
Last night, we were just drooling over all the sweets we could imagine - ice cream, pastries, chocolates. You know, all the bad things we shouldn't eat on a regular basis. It is a tough decision to say no to sweets.
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Finding a viable job that you might actually want to turn into a long term career is hard and frustrating. It's not as easy as it seems. Gone are the days of applying for a job in person so no one knows how awesome you are. All your worth is now calculated based on a single sheet of paper. How can one get experience if no one is willing to give it?
If only jobbies really existed...
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It's that time of year again where it's socially acceptable to make your house and, well, everything else smell of pumpkins and to eat all the pumpkin things. And, if you don't like pumpkin, we find that fundamentally strange a la Jess from "New Girl." Cassie was in World Market last weekend and was very tempted to buy all the pumpkin things. She settled for Sugar Free Pumpkin Pie Syrup and Pumpkin Chai Tea though since her husband will not help her enjoy all things pumpkin since he doesn't like pumpkin.
{Via someecards.com}
Where are all the good movies? There has been maybe one good movie release in the past two months. As the weather cools, I'd like to have more indoor options!
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With the new healthy lifestyle, and the approaching holidays, the fear of holiday candy, sweats, and food are approaching. The daunting leftover Halloween candy is a frightening thought. Must.Resist.Temptation.!!!!