As long as the rain holds off for the rest of the weekend, Cassie and her husband get to finally have their photo shoot that was rescheduled from August!
Mary was productive this week and applied for quite a few jobs!
Mary also started a new craft, coffee table makeover! (Will post pictures when done!)
Mary & Cassie are going to be participating in the #SwiftlyPainted Self Portrait Challenge starting October 1. {If you're interested, you can read more about it here.}
Mary is back from her whirlwind vacation, and Cassie missed her!
{although, Mary'll probably say being back from vacation is a crappy. ;)}
Cassie is brunette again...and just in time for fall!
Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back.
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It's Mary's boyfriend's birthday this weekend!! Yay!! Happy Birthday, babe!
Stubborn men.
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Spiders, especially ones in your bathtub. {Not cool!}
Ten hour work days.
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